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Building Community
Building vibrant communities are much like building strong, lasting structures. It takes people working together as a team striving to achieve a common goal, aspiring to make a difference. Join me as I engage our community to achieve the best interest of all Lithonia residents.
Community Beautification
Our environment is a direct reflection of who we are. Ensuring clean, well kept communities and parks are vital to building pride and a strong sense of community. As your mayor join me in my ongoing efforts to keep Lithonia beautiful through strategic initiatives.
Build and Expand Entrepreneurship
As an entrepreneur I understand the vital role small businesses play in community and economic development. To ensure our success we must encourage and support entrepreneurs and attract businesses that promote long-term sustainability.
Government Transparency
Government transparency is essential to the success of any administration. As your Mayor I am dedicated to engaging community as stakeholder who have a seat at the table and full access to budgets and appropriations.
Annexation and Expansion
Lithonia is on the go and to have the footprint in envision we must look towards long-term expansion in economic corridors that will be vital to our growth. Join me in my vision to seek the expansion of Lithonia through annexation of key land tracts that will better position us for the future.